§ MR. CHARLES M'ARTHUR (Liverpool, Exchange)To ask the Secretary of the Board of Trade whether he can furnish figures showing the aggregate tonnage of, and the value of the imports and exports by, British shipping entered and cleared between foreign countries, for the latest year in respect of which such statistics are available, and for each of the preceding nine years; or if such statistics are not at present available, whether he will endeavour to obtain them.
(Answered by Mr. Bonar Law.) It is not possible to state the aggregate tonnage of British vessels entered and cleared between foreign countries, since the information available only relates to certain foreign countries, and, moreover, the figures of these countries if added together would involve a considerable amount of duplication. The following particulars for certain foreign countries may be of interest to the hon. Member, though for the reason stated they should not be added up. Estimated tonnage of British Vessels entered and cleared with cargoes and in ballast at ports in the undermentioned countries in trade with countries other than the United Kingdom—Russia, 1900, 3,674,000 tons; Sweden, 1901, 788,000 tons; Norway, 1900, 148,000 tons; Germany, 1901, 2,671,000 tons; France, 1901, 7,253,000 tons; Belgium, 1901, 4,504,000 tons; Holland, 1901, 2,730,000 tons; Austria Hungary, 1901, 185,000 tons; United States, 1901, 14,421,000 tons; Chile, 1901, 3,099,000 tons; Argentine, 1900, 2,195,000 tons. It is not possible to state the value of imports and exports carried by these vessels.