§ MR. JOYCE (Limerick)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can state what amount of money has now accumulated in the hands of the Commissioners of Education of rents received out of the Roxboro Load School, Limerick; and will he explain why that money is allowed to remain in a bank, instead of being applied to some educational purpose; and whether, seeing that in all the schemes proposed for dealing with this endowment by the Educational Endowments Commission it was pro- 932 vided that the value of it should go for educational purposes to the city of Limerick, he will now take steps to have these school premises on Roxboro Road, which were built out of the rates of the city and county of Limerick, transferred to the representatives of the ratepayers for technical education.
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY FOR IRELAND (Mr. WYNDHAM,) DoverThe schools have been let to Dean Gregg at a rent of £20 a year which, with the dividends on the funded portion of the endowment, is being accumulated in the hands of the Commissioners. These accumulations amount at the present date to £212 cash and £63 stock. The Commissioners are prepared to consider any proposal that may be made to them for the allocation of these funds to the purposes of technical instruction. In respect to the second part of the question, the position of these schools has on several occasions been discussed in this House. I can only repeat that there is no power to deal with the premises in the manner suggested.