HC Deb 25 February 1903 vol 118 c803
MR. C. E. SCHWANN (Manchester, N.)

I beg to ask the Postmaster General, whether, in making the two last promotions to the position of head postman at Manchester, the claims of qualified senior men of good character were considered; how many such men were passed over and for what reason; whether the fact that the two officers referred to were allowance owners, and that by their promotion the Department saved 14s. a week in allowances, influenced the postmaster of Manchester when making his recommendations; and whether, in view of the dissatisfaction caused by the recent promotions, he will cause inquiry to be made into the mode of selection at: Manchester for the two new appointments in question.


The claims and qualifications of all the postmen ranking above those who were promoted were fully considered, and the men selected for promotion, who stood No. 99 and 133 respectively on their class, where those whom I considered "to be the best fitted to perform the duties of head postmen. It is the case that the two men in question were formerly in receipt of allowances which had been merged in their wages, but this circumstance did not influence my choice. The selection of officers for promotion is always an invidious task, but I do my best to treat the whole staff fairly and I see no reason for opening a further enquiry into this case.