§ MR. SWIFT MACNEILL (Donegal, S.)To ask the Secretary of State for War how many medals have been placed at the disposal of the Commander of the Forces in South Africa for presentation to Kaffirs for active service in the late war; and whether, having regard to the assurances of the War Office authorities that natives took no part in the war, what were the nature of the services rendered by the Kaffirs to whom war medals have been awarded.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Brodrick.) Non-enlisted men who drew pay from 139 military funds were, under the terms of Army Order 94 of 1901, allowed to receive bronze medals, and a supply of 100,000 medals was despatched at Lord Kitchener's request to South Africa. A large number of Kaffirs were employed with the administrative services. Instructions have been given to avoid a wholesale issue of such medals.