HC Deb 18 February 1903 vol 118 c141

Ordered, That no Bills, other than Government Bills, be introduced in anticipation of the ballot, and that all Members who desire to ballot, whether for Bills or for Motions, for Tuesday, 24th February, and Tuesday, 3rd March, and Wednesday, 25th February, and Wednesday, 4th March, do hand in their names at the Table during the sitting of the House on the first or second day of the session, and that a copy of such notices be handed in, at the latest, during the sitting of the House on the third day of the session. That the ballot for the precedence of the said Bills and Motions be taken on the third day on which the House sits, at a convenient time and place, to be appointed by Mr. Speaker, and that the presentation of Bills on the fourth sitting day be taken as soon after twelve o'clock as Mr. Speaker may deem convenient.—(Mr. A. J. Balfour.)


said that the ballot for the precedence of Bills and Motions would be taken in Committee Room 10, at twelve o'clock tomorrow, and that the presentation of the Bills in the House would take place immediately before the Orders of the Day on Friday next.