HC Deb 30 April 1903 vol 121 c941

To ask the Secretary of State for India, in view of the fact that the proportion of land revenue from irrigated lands is estimated at £821,900, can he state approximately the acreage of these lands in each Presidency contributing to this revenue.

(Answered by Secretary Lord George Hamilton.) The amount referred to represents certain additional land revenue receipts which are credited under the head Irrigation in the accounts as being the result of irrigation from State canals. The area irrigated in each province by canals to which land revenue credits are made was as follows in 1901–2: United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, 2,157,565 acres; Punjab and North West Frontier Province, 2,923,884 acres; Madras, 2,981,672 acres; Bombay, 986,082 acres.