§ CAPTAIN DONELANOn behalf of the hon. Member for South Donegal, I beg to ask the Lord Advocate, whether he is aware that at the School Board election in Greenock, on 2nd April, a duly authorised personation agent was refused admission to the Fourth Ward polling place in Shaw Street Public School by a policeman, who acted on the instructions of the Chief Constable; and whether, seeing that the refusal to admit was persisted in till the Returning Officer was found, he will state what steps he proposes to take in reference to this action of the Chief Constable.
§ THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. A. GRAHAM MURRAY, Buteshire)The hon. Member's information is not quite accurate. The gentleman in question 473 having recorded his vote and left the polling station requested to be readmitted. The constables on duty did not know him to be an authorised agent, and he did not show the card which every such agent receives from the Returning Officer, and accordingly he was refused admission. He returned shortly after and produced the ticket and was thereupon admitted. Had he produced the ticket in the first instance there would have been no difficulty in his obtaining admission. In the circumstances I see no reason for taking any steps in the matter.