§ MR. ALBAN GIBBS (London)To ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been called to the fact that a cargo of coal was shipped, duty paid, for Chili on the 18th February per "Sokoto," but that, owing to stress of weather, the ship had to put back to Swansea, and 1,500 tons were discharged and sold there as damaged, by the advice of the surveyors; and whether, under the circumstances, he will allow a rebate of duty on this coal, or allow the fresh lot that is to be shipped on the vessel to replace it to go free of duty.
(Answered by Mr. Ritchie.) The facts as to the shipment of a duty-paid cargo of coal on board the "Sokoto," the return of the vessel in a damaged state after having been at sea some time, and the landing of a part of the cargo of coal, are as indicated in the hon. Member's Question. Application was made to the Board of Customs for return of the duty on the coal so landed which, it is stated, was unfit for reshipment, or, in the alternative, for exemption from duty of the coal to be shipped in its place. The Board are advised that they have no power under the law to afford the relief asked for. It 1238 is open to shippers of coal to protect themselves against losses of the kind by insuring against the risk.