MR. GIBSON BOWLES (Lynn Regis)I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether His Majesty's Government have now any information relative to any agreement between Russia and Persia whereby British and Indian goods imported into Persia are to be unfavourably treated in respect of customs duties; and, if so, can he state generally the effect of such agreement upon those goods, and especially upon cotton manufactures and Indian teas; have His Majesty's Government any information relative to any recent agreement of a similar character between Turkey and Persia; what 1ms been the result of the communications on this subject with the Indian Government which were proceeding on the 8th August last; and, will the correspondence be laid upon the Table of the House.
§ THE PRIME MINISTER AND FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY (Mr. A. J. BALFOUR, Manchester, E.)I have to say that, so far as the Government are aware, no agreement between Russia and Persia has yet been concluded. An arrangement has been come to between Turkey and, Persia providing for the complete most-favoured-nation treatment in customs matters. As the result of communications with the India Office the opportunity was taken of the presence of the Persian Grand Vizier in this country to represent to His Highness the importance of British commercial interests receiving equitable treatment. There is no correspondence which can be properly laid on the Table of the House at this stage.