HC Deb 20 October 1902 vol 113 cc212-3
SIR CHARLES M'LAREN (Leicestershire, Bosworth)

To ask the Secretary of State for War, if his attention has been called to the public meeting in London of discharged Reservists, and to the grievances of which they complain; and will he say what steps he proposes to take in the matter.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Brodrick). My attention has been drawn to the public meeting referred to by the hon. Member. The regulations for the prompt payment of all claims are most explicit, and some weeks ago orders were issued that a return should be made from each district of any claim a month overdue. Inquiries have been promptly made into all individual cases of grievances which have reached me. A large number have been found to be unfounded, but in cases where delay has unavoidably occurred prompt action has been taken. As regards employment, the War Office have taken the only action in their power by laying it open to all men who cannot find employment to return to the colours for short periods. I need hardly add how earnestly I hope that all employers will second our endeavours by giving the preference to Reservists in regard to any places they have open.