HC Deb 24 November 1902 vol 115 c231

To ask the Postmaster General whether he is aware that there are now fifty telegraphists at Liverpool who have reached their maximum salary; and whether, seeing that since 1871 only three postmasterships and an equal number of sub-postmasterships have been given to officers attached to the telegraph establishment at that office, he will give favourable consideration to any applications which may be received for vacancies, and, with a view to hastening promotion, refuse extensions of service to officers who have qualified for the maximum pension.

(Answered by Mr. Austen Chamberlain.) I am aware of the circumstances at Liverpool, which are substantially as the hon. Member describes them; and, as regards applications for vacant postmasterships and sub-postmasterships, I need hardly say that I shall continue the practice of my Predecessor in giving them full consideration. But I should not feel justified in accelerating the retirement of efficient officers solely in order to create vacancies for others.