HC Deb 12 November 1902 vol 114 c760

in bringing in a Bill to amend the borrowing provisions of the Electric Lighting Act, 1882, and the Electric Lighting (Scotland) Act, 1890, explained that its object was to get over a difficulty which had arisen under the existing Electric Lighting Acts, and which was calculated to press hardly on local authorities. Under these Acts it was provided that the provisions as to borrowing powers should be on the same lines as in the Gas Acts, and unfortunately it had been ruled that where money had already been borrowed for gas purposes the amount must be taken into account with regard to powers for borrowing for electric lighting. That certainly was not the intention of the Act, and hence a short Act was necessary to remedy the difficulty.

Bill to amend the borrowing provisions of the Electric Lighting Act, 1882, and the Electric Lighting (Scotland) Act, 1890, ordered to be brought in by the Lord Advocate and Mr. Solicitor General for Scotland.