HC Deb 05 November 1902 vol 114 c141

I beg to ask the Post-master General if he will state the names of the various steamers which Messrs. MacBrayne have employed for the conveyance of His Majesty's mails between Kyle of Lochalsh and Stornoway since the breakdown in the Minch of the mail steamer "Clydesdale" early in September last; is he aware that the thirty-five-years-old paddle steamer "Gael," formerly ''Vixen," is now employed on this service; and will he state the speed of this boat and when and where she was last inspected.


Since the breakdown of the "Clydesdale" in September last the undermentioned steamers have conveyed the Mails between Kyle and Stornoway—"Clansman," "Lovedale," "Cavalier," "Glendale," and "Gael." The "Gael" performed the service from the 21st to the 28th of October, when she was replaced by the "Glendale," which has performed the service since the last mentioned date, except on the 30th of October when the "Gael" was again employed. The speed of the "Gael" is stated to be 15 knots an hour, and it is understood that she was last inspected at Glasgow, on January 7th, 1902. She was not formerly the "Vixen."


If the right hon. Gentleman will look at the shipping list he will see the "Gael" is described as formerly the "Vixen." Is he aware that her speed is not 15 knots but more likely 5?

[No answer was returned.]