HC Deb 05 November 1902 vol 114 cc135-6

To ask the President of the Board of Trade, in view of the fact that, under the International Scheme of North Sea Fisheries Investigation, Great Britain proposes to expend a sum of £42,000 during the next three years, inclusive of a sum of £1,250, this country's contribution for the maintenance of the central organisation at Copenhagen, will he state what sum

Country. Initial Expenditure. Annual Expenditure.
kroner kroner
Denmark 173,000 £9,600 100,000 £5,500
marks marks
Germany Steamer 330,000 £16,500 125,000 £6,250
Laboratories 17,500 £875
florins florins
Holland Instruments, etc. 8,000 £666 31,050 £2,587
marks marks
Norway Steamer 190,000 £9,500 147,000 £7,350
kroner kroner
Sweden 19,000 £1,055 19,200 £1,066
roubles roubles
Russia Steamer without equipment 105,000 £16,000 81,000 £12,800
Fin marks Fin marks
Finland 151,000 £6,000 55,700 £2,228

In the case of Denmark and Russia it is not clear whether the amounts are exclusive of the contribution to the central organisation as in the case of the other countries named.

Budget 1899–1900; and the amounts to be paid by India for our diplomatic establishments in Persia and China as, against the Rx.36,400 in 1899–1900.

(Answered by Secretary Lord George Hamilton.) The amounts chargeable to Indian revenues under the heads mentioned in the Question, are as follows, in pounds sterling, at 1s. 4d. per rupee:—

each of the other countries concerned proposes to expend under this scheme of scientific investigation, exclusive of their contributions towards the maintenance of the central organisation.

(Answered by Mr. Gerald Balfour.) I gather from the procès verbal of the meeting of the International Council at Copenhagen that the sums proposed to be expended by the different countries in scientific investigations are as: follows:—