HC Deb 29 May 1902 vol 108 c891

To ask the Lord Advocate, in view of the fact that the diary kept by the light keepers at Tiumpan Head, Island of Lewis, shows that trawlers were observed illegally trawling in Broad Bay during the day in the year 1901, and that a similar breach of the law was observed during the present year, will he state whether the names of the offending trawlers were reported; and, if not, will arrangements be made for this information to be supplied where possible; was the local fishery officer communicated with at the time this illegal trawling was detected, and will the Secretary for Scotland consider the expediency of communicating with the Northern Lighthouse Commissioners with a view to secure the Board's sanction to a diary being kept at Tiumpan Head for a record of cases of illegal trawling during the night on occasions when there is sufficient light to admit of observations being made.

(Answer.) The names of the vessels observed on the three occasions referred to by the hon. Member were not visible to the lighthouse keepers, and their detection was impossible from the lighthouse. Any day or night observations further than those already undertaken, or communication with the local fishery officer, would have the effect of withdrawing the lighthouse keepers from their primary duties, and the Secretary for Scotland is not prepared to suggest such action.—(Scottish Office.)