HC Deb 12 May 1902 vol 107 cc1336-7

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that instructions were issued from the Treasury to the War Office limiting the power of compulsory retirement, under Clause 10 of the Order in Council of 15th August, 1890, to efficient clerks with not less than forty years service: and that the Permanent Under Secretary of State to the War Office, on 21st January, 1897, stated that efficient clerks could not be retired with less than forty years service, when sanctioning the retention of a subordinate official of the War Office establishment; and, seeing that this decision was acted on in the cases of at least two subordinate officials after 31st March, 1900, whether he will state what steps will be taken towards increasing the pension of the established efficient abstractor clerk compulsorily retired at the age of sixty, since such clerks, in the War Office and throughout the Civil Service, have served till the age of sixty-two and over.

(Answer.) I have nothing to add to the reply which was given to the hon. Baronet on the 11th March last.† No steps will be taken to increase the pension.—(War Office.)