HC Deb 01 May 1902 vol 107 cc409-10


Order for consideration read.

MR. DILLON (Mayo, E.)

said he had intended to propose the introduction of a new clause into this Bill, but he had ascertained that an agreement had been come to between those on whose behalf he was speaking and the Corporation of Belfast as to the regulations under which the Ulster Hall would, in future, be available for the citizens of Belfast. All they desired was that there should be a clear understanding, and, so far as he was concerned, he was perfectly content that it should be an honourable understanding, that the hall which the Corporation of Belfast had acquired should not be used merely by one section of the citizens, but that all sections, of whatever politics or religious creed, should be on equal terms. He asked for such an assurance from the hon. Member in charge of the Bill.

MR. WOLFF (Belfast, E.)

said that when the Bill was under discussion, on the Motion for Second Beading, every speaker on his side of the House declared that there was no intention whatever on the part of the Corporation of the City of Belfast to make any difference, on either political or religious grounds, between applicants for the use of the hall. If the hon. Member for East Mayo desired a more definite assurance, on his part he would be very glad to give it, and he could give it on the authority of the Town Clerk of Belfast, who had authorised him to say that the Corporation had acquired Ulster Hall for the benefit of the citizens of Belfast, wholly irrespective of religious or political views. He could assure the hon. Member that that undertaking would be given the fullest possible effect to. Of course, rules would have to be drawn up, regulating the letting of the hall. He hoped that that would satisfy the hon. Gentleman.


I am perfectly satisfied.

Bill ordered to be read a third time.