HC Deb 24 March 1902 vol 105 cc820-1

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether any Roman Catholic chaplain is attached to the Base Hospital at Wynberg; whether a Roman Catholic chaplain is stationed at Durban; whether any provision is made for the religious needs of Roman Catholics returning from South Africa by hospital ships and by transports carrying invalids; and will he state how many Roman Catholic chaplains are assigned to the duty of visiting the blockhouses on the lines and the field hospitals not on the lines.


All arrangements for religious ministrations to the troops in South Africa are in the hands of the General Commanding in Chief, who is advised, as regards Roman Catholic matters, by his senior Roman Catholic Chaplain of the Forces. As regards the transports mentioned, chaplains are detailed when the numbers warrant it by the General Officer Commanding Lines of Communication. More Roman Catholic clergy have been sent to South Africa throughout the war than have been demanded, and we are prepared to send more if the Roman Catholic authorities will submit candidates.