HC Deb 20 March 1902 vol 105 cc546-7

grant: I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that Dr. Copeman inoculated monkeys with smallpox material obtained from cases under observation during outbreaks of the disease, that he inoculated calves from the vesicles so produced on the monkeys, and inoculated a considerable number of children from the vesicles so produced on the calves, as described by himself in a paper read before the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society on the 10th December, 1901; whether those experiments were conducted with the knowledge of the parents, or with the knowledge or sanction or at the expense of his Department; and whether Dr. Copeman is now or has been in the employment of the Government.


The answer to the first two points is in the affirmative. I am informed that a considerable number of children were vaccinated with the lymph obtained from the calves referred to, but none of the vaccinations were performed by Dr. Copeman. I have no information as to whether the experiments were conducted with the knowledge of the parents of the children vaccinated, but they were not performed with the knowledge or sanction or at the expense of the Local Government Board. Dr. Copeman is one of the Medical Inspectors of the Department.