HC Deb 20 March 1902 vol 105 cc560-1

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, is he aware that a large proportion of the Irish agricultural labourers occupy houses which they hold from neighbouring farmers and others as weekly tenants under what is called a caretaker's agreement, and are liable to be evicted on a weekly notice; and, seeing that such persons are bonâ fide labourers, but cannot avail themselves of the advantages of the Labourers Acts as the sanitary officers cannot certify the houses to be unsanitary, will he hold forth any promise of amendment in the Labourers Acts in favour of those people, and also in favour of rural, tradesmen and artisans.


The reply to the first paragraph is in the affirmative. Sanitary officers are not debarred as the hon. Member supposes; but in practice it may be that a weekly or monthly tenant is reluctant to make an application for a new cottage. The hon. Member for North Antrim has brought in a Bill, one clause of which is framed to deal with this difficulty. I have stated that the question of the housing of the artisans and others living in towns and villages too small to support Town Commissioners, is receiving consideration.


rose to put another Question, but was directed by Mr. Speaker to give notice in the ordinary way.