§ MR. CHARLES M'ARTHUR (Liverpool, Exchange)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade if he can state what effect is given to Clause 2 (5) of the Mercantile Marine Fund Act, 1898, which provides that communications between lighthouses and the shore shall, as far as practicable, be available for private messages; also, whether the Departmental Committee 548 appointed in 1900 to consider this question, and that of the extension of electrical communication with lighthouses and light vessels, has reported; or, if not, can he say when their Report may be expected; and when the establishment of signal stations at the Fastnet and Tuskar will be carried into effect.
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRADE (Mr. GURALD BALFOUR,) Leeds, CentralThe Departmental Committee to which the hon. Member refers has presented an Interim Report recommending the institution of a system of signalling at Fastnet and Tuskar in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 (5) of the Merchant Shipping (Mercantile Marine Fund) Act, 1898, but the carrying out of this recommendation has been delayed by difficulties connected with the adoption of the system of wireless telegraphy. It is hoped, however, that these difficulties will shortly be overcome.