§ MR. CHANNING (Northamptonshire, E.)I beg to ask the Vice President of the Committee of Council on Education whether he is aware that on February 19th a General Order was issued on behalf of the Board of Education, and signed by Sir William Abney, inviting the officers of the Department at South Kensington to submit themselves for vaccination and re-vaccination by the public vaccinator on the 25th and 26th February, and desiring those who did not wish to do so to send in their names to the heads of their sections; whether there has been issued since then a further Minute, signed by Sir William Abney, 173 inviting officers who still remain unwilling to re-consider the matter before the Board proceed to decide what further steps shall be taken; whether any similar action has been taken on the Elementary side at Whitehall, and in other Government Departments; whether the Order and Minute were issued by Sir William Abney, with the sanction of the Lord President and Sir George Kekewich; and, if so, under what powers, statutory or by regulation, any further steps to compel the officers to be vaccinated or re-vaccinated can be taken.
§ THE SECRETARY TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD (Mr. GRANT LAWSON,), (for Sir J. GORST) Yorkshire, N.R., ThirskNotices relating to the vaccination of persons in the employ of the Board of Education have, by the authority of the Board, been issued both at Whitehall and South Kensington. Similar notices have, I am informed, been issued by other Government Departments. No person can be compelled by the Board of Education to be vaccinated or re-vaccinated.