HC Deb 17 March 1902 vol 105 c288

Lords Message [3rd March], relating to the appointment of a Joint Committee on the housing of the working classes, read, and considered.

Ordered, That a Select Committee of seven Members be appointed to join with a Committee to be appointed by the Lords to consider the Standing Orders relating to houses occupied by persons of the labouring class, and the clauses usually inserted in Private and Local Bills and Provisional Order Confirmation Bills in pursuance thereof; and to report whether any Amendments should be made in such Standing Orders and Clauses, and especially whether any, and what, provision should be made for better securing the re-housing of all persons of the labouring class who may be displaced in connection with the undertakings to which the Bills relate, whether displaced under the powers given by the Bills or otherwise.

Message to the Lords to acquaint them therewith.

Ordered, That three be the quorum of the Committee.—(Sir William Walrond.)

Adjourned at five after minutes Twelve o'cloek.