HC Deb 14 March 1902 vol 105 cc48-9
MR. M'GOVERN (Cavan, W.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the tenants on the estate of the representatives of John Finlay, in Co. Cavan, entered into an agreement with the owners and receiver of this estate to purchase their holdings through the Irish Land Commission in April, 1897, at eighteen years purchase of the rents then payable, on condition that all the arrears due up to 1st May, 1897, should be discharged by the payment of one half year's rent, and that interest at 4 per cent should be paid on the purchase money in lieu of rent until the sale should be completed; is he aware that the receiver, notwithstanding this agreement, continued to collect the old rents from the tenants by ejectments and Civil Bill process, and the tenants were obliged to bring the receiver's conduct before the Chief Land Commissioner, who decided that the agreements made in 1897 should be carried out, and that the tenants should get credit for all payments made since April, 1897; and, seeing that, notwithstanding this decision, the receiver persists in demanding more money from these tenants than is due, will the Government take any steps to compel this receiver and the solicitors of the owners to fulfil the agreement.


Provisional agreements to sell to the tenants were entered into in February, 1898, the terms of which were substantially as stated. Considerably delay was occasioned in preparing the applications for advances owing to disputes about turbary, and the applications were not signed Until May, 1901. Meanwhile the tenants paid their rent as formerly, but on the understanding that such payments would be credited as interest on the purchase money, which has been done. Civil Bill processes were issued against a few of the tenants who refused to pay any rent, but ultimately they paid on the advice of their solicitor. The Civil Bills were then struck out and no costs charged to the tenants. No ejectment proceedings have been taken against the tenants for many years. The conduct of the receiver was not brought before the Chief Land Commissioner, nor was any order made by him as alleged.


If I produce documentary proof of my statement that this receiver demanded money, will the right hon. Gentleman take any steps in the matter!


I will carefully consider any communication the hon. Gentleman may make.