HC Deb 07 March 1902 vol 104 cc727-8
MR. REDDY (King's County, Birr)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he has received a copy of Resolution passed by the Members of Birr No. 1 District Council, protesting against the action of the Great Southern and Western Railway Company in curtailing the travelling facilities to Ferbane, Belmont, Banagher, and surrounding districts by discontinuing the 7 p.m. train from Banagher to Clare; and, in view of the fact that the baronial guarantee of 8d. in the £ in Garrycastle, amounting to £1,430 3s. 4d. annually, was given on the understanding that there would be three trains each way daily, whether he intends to take steps to oblige the Company to revert to the old arrangement.


A copy of the Resolution in question has been received. The Commissioners of Public Works have no control over the working of this line of railway, nor have they any information as to the alleged understanding to which reference is made. If it is embodied in any legal agreement between the Grand Jury and the Railway Company, it would be well for the local Authority to take legal advice as to the power to enforce it.