HC Deb 30 June 1902 vol 110 cc299-300
MR. SCHWANN (Manchester, N.)

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether his attention has been called to the fact that since 1897 the initial or starting pay of telegraphists has been 12s. a week, and in the case of learners or half-timers 6s. a week until appointment, and that a period of two years has elapsed before the wage of 12s. has been reached; and, seeing that the commencing wage has lately been rised to 8s. a week for half-timers, and 16s. a week on appointment (at various towns like Manchester and Birmingham), will he say what steps will be taken to place both classes on an equal footing.

(Answer.) The Postmaster General is aware of the facts mentioned. He has no present intention of extending the special rate of pay which has been temporarily conceded, under quite exceptional circumstances, at certain of the more important post offices.—(Post Office.)