HC Deb 17 June 1902 vol 109 c831

To ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether the tickets for the Naval Review which are issued to Members personally will be transferable to their friends, in cases where the Members concerned do not themselves wish to attend the Review.

(Answer.) The Board of Admiralty understand that the money granted is intended primarily to be applied to the purpose of enabling Members of the House of Commons in their public capacity to be present on the occasion of an important public ceremony, and they have accordingly arranged that the tickets issued to Members of the House shall be personal. An additional ticket has been issued in each case for the purpose of enabling a Member to be accompanied by a friend. I may add that, as far as I have been able to ascertain, the proposed arrangement is in accordance with the wish of a large majority of Members, and, if adhered to, it will certainly conduce to the general comfort and convenience. If the transfer of a Member's personal ticket were permitted in one ease, it is clear that it must be permitted in all cases, with the result that a very large majority of the passengers on the ship would not be Members of the House of Commons. I gather that this would not be in accordance with the general wish. The Admiralty therefore propose to adhere to the arrangement originally made, and tickets issued to hon. Members personally will only be available for the special trains and ships when presented by the Members whose names are inscribed on them. The same limitation applies to tickets issued for the sleeping accommodation on board the s. s. "Atrato."—(Admiralty.)