HC Deb 16 June 1902 vol 109 c692

To ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, whether his attention has been drawn to the murder of Mr. Willie Barnett, a British subject, at Luviria, in the Province of Cordoba, Argentine Republic, on 26th April; whether he has official information showing that the deceased was ordered by Grau, the son of the local chief of the police, to give up his revolver, and was then, without having offered the slightest provocation, murdered by the said Grau and an armed policeman; and if so, whether, in the interests of Englishmen in charge of estancias in outlying districts of the Argentine Republic, steps will be taken through His Majesty's Minister at Buenos Ayres or otherwise to ensure that the murderers shall be brought to justice.

(Answer.) No information with reference to this case has reached the Foreign Office, but inquiry will be made.—(Foreign Office.)