§ MR. HUMPHREYS - OWEN (Montgomeryshire)To ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether, having regard to the number of benefices in England and Wales, of which the actual value is between £100 and £200, and also of benefices of which the actual value is less than £100, the Government will, in framing the Bill for giving effect to the recommendation of the Joint Committee that Queen Anne's Bounty Board should; be amalgamated with the Ecclesiastical Commission, introduce provisions enabling the amalgamated body to deal with the properties of Episcopal sees and other wealthy preferments, in accordance with a revised scale, having due regard to existing life interests.
358 (Answer.) It is not proposed to do more in the Bill than give effect to the unanimous recommendation of the Joint Committee in favour of the amalgamation of Queen Anne's Bounty Board and the Ecclesiastical Commission.—(Treasury.)