HC Deb 04 June 1902 vol 108 c1398

I leg to ask the hon. Member for West Salford, as Church Estates Commissioner, whether he will say what was the approximate annual value (gross or net) of the Rectory of St. Luke's, Chelsea, at the time of the death of the late incumbent; what is the annual income to be received by the new incumbent; whether such income is that originally proposed by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners : whether he will state briefly what communications have passed between the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and Earl Cadogan as patron of the living, and if the Ecclesiastical Commissioners have sanctioned the arrangements which have resulted from those communications; and whether the Ecclesiastical Commissioners have considered the necessity for futher legislation, in order that they may have wider powers to deal with the incomes of benefices on the voidance thereof.


The Ecclesiastical Commissioners have no knowledge of the annual value, gross or net, of the Rectory of St. Luke's, Chelsea, either at the date of the death of the late incumbent or at the present time. The income of the Rectory is derived from ancient endowments and was not settled by the Commissioners. There have been no communications upon the subject between the Commissioners and the Patron; but the Commissioners have expressed their readiness to consider any proposal which may be made to them, with the necessary consents, for effecting an apportionment of the income of the Rectory.