HC Deb 03 June 1902 vol 108 c1271
MR BARTLEY (Islington, N.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that the Compensation Board, established in the Colony of Natal to consider the claims of loyal subjects, has been sitting for six months and has divided the claims into five classes, the first of which are still under consideration; and whether any steps can be taken to expedite the action so that the bulk of the English farmers affected may, with the least possible delay, be able to make a start on their farms.


The. Natal Invasion Losses Inquiry Commission has been sitting since. December 1899. All classes of claims, for direct losses by individuals have been considered and assessed; 75 per cent. of the sum assessed has been advanced to the clamants by the. Natal Government, and it is under stood that; the work of the Commission is nearing completion.