HC Deb 21 July 1902 vol 111 cc783-4
MR. JOHN REDMOND (Waterford)

I wish to ask the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to the fact that at the meeting of the North Irish League Convention, held the other day in County Cork in the County Council chamber, immediately after the meeting had assembled the High Sheriff of the County appeared and stated that he had received within the preceding quarter of an hour a telegraphic order of the authorities to prevent the holding of the meeting. He wished to ask whether those orders came from the right hon. Gentleman and had his authority.


I had, as the hon. Member admits, no notice of the Question and the official report of the proceedings reached me only this morning. I should be sorry, without further examination, to pronounce an opinion which may reflect on any remissness in the discharge of his duty by any person. But in my opinion a grave scandal occurred at Cork from the fact that such a meeting was attempted at all in the Court House. I may say now that the law is that the Court House is in the custody of the Sheriff, and that it can only be lent by him to the County Council.

MR. REDDY (King's Co., Birr)

They belong to the people.


The Court House can only be given to the County Council when such transfer does not interfere with the administration of justice, and it can only be given to the County Council for the performance of the proper duties of the County Council, and not for any political gathering of any kind.


I did not ask the right hon. Gentleman for any expression of opinion. I asked, as a matter of fact—if the right hon. Gentleman tells me he requires notice, I will give it to him formally—but I ask him whether the instructions the Sheriff received by telegram a quarter of an hour before we met were sent by him and with his authority.


The first communication reached me officially this morning. I have therefore answered the Question, and I felt it my duty to add my opinion of what occurred.


But that is not a definite answer to a definite question.


If the first official information only reached me this morning, how could I have sent instructions?