HC Deb 08 July 1902 vol 110 cc1071-2
MR. NANNETTI (Dublin, College Green)

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, if he is aware of the breakdown that occurred in the Dublin sorting office on Friday the 27th June, whereby correspondence was delayed, and, seeing that if the collections were made at the usual time, no such breakdown would have occurred, can he say what explanation there was to offer as regards the arrangements in Dublin; whether he is aware that the day in question was not materially affected by the special Bank Holiday arrangements, and that a number of commercial firms had previously intimated their intention of opening, can he say why the Dublin officials still held by their original Coronation arrangements.

(Answer.) As the hon. Member is aware, Friday the 27th June was appointed by the Government as a bank holiday, and the usual bank holiday arrangements were accordingly observed at the Dublin Post Office, as at all other Post Offices in the Kingdom. The posting of correspondence by the public at Dublin was much heavier than is usual upon ordinary bank holidays, and considerable pressure was experienced in the sorting office in consequence; but the Postmaster General finds that only a comparatively small number of articles, mainly book-packets and circulars, were omitted from the night mail despatch, and he does not consider that in the exceptional circumstances there is any reasonable ground for complaint.—(Post Office.)