HC Deb 07 July 1902 vol 110 c936
MR. JORDAN (Fermanagh, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is a ware that the Boho (county Fermanagh) Nationalist band was forcibly stopped while marching and playing on the public road about seven o'clock on the evening of the 16th June last by a sergeant of police and his men; and that the constabulary ordered the band to return to their rooms, and threatened that if they did not they would exercise physical force to prevent them going further, and break their musical instruments; and, seeing that other Party bands are permitted to march and play their music on the same road and in the same district, will he say what is the cause of this treatment of the Nationalist band; and will he give instructions that in future the police shall not interfere with the Boho Nationalist band on the public highway.


Two bands went out on the date mentioned, one known as the Boho Nationalist band, the other as the Kilnamadoo Nationalist band. The police warned the former band that no hostile demonstration would be permitted in the vicinity of the residence of an individual who has been the object of intimidation, and that, if persisted in, the band would be dispersed. The police did not threaten to break the instruments. The Boho band put away their instruments when this warning was given. The other band proceeded in another direction, and was in no way-interfered with.

†See (4) Debates, cv., 552.