HC Deb 01 July 1902 vol 110 cc416-7
MR. HUGH LAW (Donegal, W.)

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the County Council of Donegal has expressed dissatisfaction with the proposed approach road to the new railway station at Burtonport, on the ground that it will, as at present planned, en- croach upon the quay; and whether he will request the Board of Works to reconsider their plans in order, if possible, to avoid adding to the congestion of traffic along the quay.

(Answer.) The approach road to Burtonport station which the Board of Works propose to construct, if funds are available, does not encroach upon the pier, and will not interfere with its traffic. It will be much cheaper than the road proposed by the County Council, and much more convenient for the inhabitants. It will be within the Parliamentary limits, and, being a necessary work, the Lough Swilly Railway Company will be bound to maintain it, whereas they could probably successfully dispute liability to maintain the alternative road. — (Irish Office.)