§ MR. DILLONI beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether he will arrange to have included in the Blue-book on the Procedure of Foreign Parliaments a full statement of the rules in force for the punishment of disorder and defiance of the ruling of the Chair.
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURThe Blue-book to which I referred yesterday in my speech is one which I hope, will be laid in a day or two, and it would not be convenient that I should defer its circulation until fresh information is obtained from foreign countries. If hon. Gentlemen will inform me what fresh information they would like to have I would endeavour to obtain it, although, of course, it takes some time to get these things, and it is possible that the information might be too late to be of practical service this session.
§ MR. PIRIE (Aberdeen, N.)Will the right hon. Gentleman obtain information as to whether in any House of Parliament measures are carried over unfinished from one session to the next and taken up then at the stage at which they were left off? Will he also give us the hours of sitting and rising of foreign Houses?
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURYes, I believe it is the fact that measures can be carried over from session to session in some foreign Assemblies. Information on the other point will be found in the Blue-book with regard to one Assembly, or even more, I think.