HC Deb 30 January 1902 vol 101 c1329

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether it is the practice of the Board of Agriculture to communicate to County Councils the result of examinations of specimens sent to the Board in suspected cases of anthrax or rabies; whether the results of the examinations of specimens sent by the veterinary surgeons employed under the Carmarthenshire County Council have been communicated either to the senders or to the County Council; and whether, in view of the desire of the County Council to carefully carry out the anthrax order, he will give instructions that the results of every examination of specimens should be forwarded to the County Council.


The County Council itself deals with all questions of anthrax—and the examination is made by their officers. The final diagnosis in cases of rabies is made by the officers of the Board—and the result is usually made known to the Local Authority by one of our Inspectors. There can be no objection to doing this in all cases.