HC Deb 28 February 1902 vol 104 cc21-2

May I ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, as Leader of the House, whether he has turned his attention to the necessity of doing something to disinfect this House against the influenza? The casualty list is already heavy, and no one knows when he may be struck down. I should have thought that the experience of the Government would alone have turned their thoughts in that direction I suggest to the Chancellor of the Exchequer the advisability of asking an informal Committee of the doctors who are Members of this House to consider the matter, and report their views as to whether anything can be done to protect us from this poisonous atmosphere. Failing that, I shall submit a Motion that this House do adjourn for a week in order that it may be disinfected.


If any part of the House has suffered from the cause to which the hon. Member refers, it is those who sit on this Bench. If it were possible to find a remedy, no one would be more happy than we; but I am not prepared to say that this House is the only place where we are exposed to infection. I will make inquiries to see what can be done between this and Monday.


It'is the worst place, at any rate.