HC Deb 27 February 1902 vol 103 cc1283-4
MR. W. F. D. SMITH (Strand)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he has received a petition praying that the recommendations of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Wage-Earning Children may be embodied in a Bill to be introduced this session; and whether, having regard to the support which those recommendations have secured, he can hold out a hope that they will be carried into effect without delay.

DR. MACNAMARA (Camberwell, N.)

I beg also to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he is yet in a position to say whether he will introduce a Bill this session embodying the recommendations of the Employment of School Children Committee, designed to restrict the out of school labour of young children.


I am aware of the great interest taken in this subject by a very large number of people. I have received several petitions such as my hon. friend mentions, with numerous and influential signatures, and, as I have already said, I shall be glad if I am able to deal with the matter this session; but I cannot absolutely promise under the present condition of things that it shall be done this session, although I hope it may.


May we take it the right hon. Gentleman will give effect to the recommendations of the Committee this year if possible?


I do not think I can add anything more to what I have said. As far as I am concerned I will do my best.