HC Deb 27 February 1902 vol 103 c1274

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War if he can state who have been and are now the officers appointed as Inspector Generals of Remounts in South Africa, and their regimental and Army ranks on their appointments, with the dates of such appointments, and who made the appointments, and when did Colonel Stevenson, one of the Inspector Generals, return from South Africa, and by whose orders, and for what reason.


No officer has held the post of Inspector General of Remounts in South Africa. The officers who are or who have been in charge of remount operations in South Africa are as follow— Colonel R. Stevenson appointed 9th Oct., '99. Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Birkbeck 5th Oct., '99. Major-General Viscount Downel 4th Dec., 1901. The two former were appointed by the General Officers commanding Natal and Cape Colony respectively. The last named was appointed by Lord Roberts. Colonel Stevenson returned home on 14th December, 1900, by order of Lord Roberts on the breaking up of Sir R. Buller's command.