HC Deb 27 February 1902 vol 103 c1278

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the different conditions obtaining in civil elementary schools, and in order to prevent misapprehension on the part of certificated teachers in such schools, paragraphs may be inserted in the Instructions for the Guidance of Candidates for Admission into the Army as Schoolmasters, to inform candidates what are the hours of duty when joining at Aldershot on probation, that evening school work is compulsory upon Army schoolmasters, and that such evening school work does not carry any extra pay.


This suggestion, which the hon. Member made to me last August, has been carefully considered, but in view of the opportunities of learning the conditions of service during the year's probation of Army Schoolmasters at Aldershot, it does not appear necessary to carry it out.