§ MR. SHEEHANI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Department of Agriculture will consider the advisability of bringing rural workers, especially the occupants of labourers' cottages, under its operations'; will provision be made for the distribution of sound potato seed to those who possess cottage gardens; and will it assist in schemes for the introduction and development of cottage industries, for the encouragement of thrift, and other such purposes, and for the establishment of loan banks for the advance of small sums for remunerative purposes.
§ MR. WYNDHAMThe Department approves of County Councils including in their schemes under the Agriculture and Technical Instruction Act provisions suitable to rural conditions, such as the encouragement of cottage gardens, poultry-keeping, swine-breeding, bee-keeping, and instruction in domestic economy. The Department also aids with loans of capital the establishment of agricultural banks. Labourers can participate in the seed and manure trials instituted by the Department, but seed is not distributed free and is only supplied for the purpose of experiment. The Department contemplate an extension of the schemes applicable to cotters.
§ MR. SHEEHANHave any schemes been formulated by County Councils?
§ MR. WYNDHAMI am afraid I cannot answer that without notice.