HC Deb 18 February 1902 vol 103 cc361-2
MR. DELANY (Queen's County, Ossory)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that, in a case heard at the Abbeylaix, Queen's County, Petty Sessions, on the 8th inst., Sergeant Gallagher, Royal Irish Constabulary, swore upon cross-examination that he recommended physical force as the only practical remedy for the grievances of Ireland; and will he state what steps he proposes taking in the matter.


The Inspector-General, after careful investigation, is satisfied that Sergeant Gallagher's ill-advised and improper observation was made ironically as a sarcasm; that it in no degree represented his opinion, or was not understood to do so by those present. The Inspector-General has informed Sergeant Gallagher that he strongly disapproves of such language, even though used in jest. This censure, in his opinion, with which I concur, sufficiently meets the exigencies of the case.