HC Deb 18 December 1902 vol 116 cc1639-40
SIR THOMAS DEWAR(Tower Hamlets, St George's)

To ask the Secretary of State for War, in view of the services rendered by mounted riflemen during the late war in South Africa, will he state whether it is proposed to add to the number of regiments of Mounted Infantry now shown in the Army List, and will those officers and men who have gained experience on this duty during the war, be afforded opportunities for becoming permanently attached to this arm of the service; will he state how many regiments of Mounted Infantry it is proposed to maintain on the permanent establishment, and how many such regiments will be retained in South Africa: and will he consider the expediency of organising a special branch of this arm of the service for scouting purposes.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Brodrick). The hon. Member is requested kindly to refer to a reply given to a Question on this subject put by the hon. Member for the Heywood Division of Lancashire on the 10th instant. The number of companies to be maintained in South Africa has not yet been settled.