HC Deb 17 December 1902 vol 116 c1487

To ask the Under Secretary of State or Foreign Affairs whether any complaints or claims have been made to His Majesty's Government by the Government of Venezuela as to the failure of British authorities to prevent the sailing of the "Ban Righ "; and as to the losses caused by that steamer; if so, whether he has any official information showing the damage and loss caused by the operations of the "Ban Righ"; and whether the Venezuela Government have asked for arbitration as to such complaints and claims.

(Answered by Lord Uranborne.) Complaints have on several occasions been addressed to His Majesty's Minister at Caracas by the Venezuelan Government on the subject of the "Ban Righ" in respect of the particulars mentioned by the lion. Gentleman, and they have reserved their light to claim at a future time compensation for damages alleged to have been caused by the vessel. With regard to the two last Questions, the answer is in the negative.