HC Deb 09 December 1902 vol 116 cc442-3

To ask the President of the Board of Trade can he state, in view of the differential treatment prescribed by the Brussels Sugar Convention in respect of sugars and sugared and other analogous products, when coming from countries which grant bounties either on production or export, what measures it is proposed to take in order to ascertain from what country such sugars or products may have originally come; and is it proposed to require certificates of origin in respect of all such sugars or products as may be imported into this country.

(Answered by Mr. Gerald BaIfour.) In the event of the Convention coming into operation, suitable measures will have to be taken by the Customs to distinguish sugar coming from foreign countries which grant bounties. I am not now prepared to make a detailed statement as to these measures, which will he provided for in the Bill to be introduced next session.


To ask President of the Board of Trade can he give the names of all States, not being signatories of the Brussels Sugar Convention, between which and Great Britain treaties exist containing the most favoured nation Clause.

(Answered by Lord Cranborne.) Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Colombia, Denmark, Greece, Honduras, Japan, Mexico, Liberia, Paraguay, Persia, Roumania, Russia, Salvador. Servia, Switzerland, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Zanzibar have treaties binding Great Britain to give them the treatment of the most-favoured nation.