HC Deb 08 December 1902 vol 116 cc207-8
Sir THOMAS DEWAR () Tower Hamlets, St. George's

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, seeing that although under the Factory and Workshop Act, 1901, employers engaged in the bottling of beer are entitled, in pursuance of the special exception under Section 49, to employ women on overtime, no such provision is made in favour of employers when engaged in the bottling of spirits; and, in view of the effect of this omission when there is pressure of bottling business in spirit trades, will he consider the expediency of taking such steps as may be necessary to include bottling of spirits in the special exception list under the Act.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Akers Douglas.) I have not received any application from the spirit trade for the grant of overtime for women engaged in bottling spirits, and I have no information leading me to think that any such special exception from the provisions of the Factory Act is required. If I should receive any application from the trade generally I would give it careful consideration; but it should be understood that the multiplication of these exceptions is very undesirable, and they will be given only if a clear case of necessity can be shown.