HC Deb 04 December 1902 vol 115 c1326
MR. WOOD (Down, E.)

I beg to ask the Postmaster General if he is aware that mail car contractors have, as a result of late running of mail trains, to wait for the mails from a half-hour to two and a half hours; is he aware that this causes inconvenience and loss to these men, for which no remuneration is allowed; and can he take any steps to redress this alleged grievance.


Whenever mail trains are unpunctual it necessarily follows that mail cars working in connection with them cannot be despatched at the appointed time. In the existing forms of tender for mail car contracts it is announced that the Post Office will not make any extra payment for detentions of mail cars due to this cause, and persons tendering are warned to bear this fact in mind. But the hon. Member no doubt has some service or services specially in view; and if he will be good enough to let me have particulars, I will see whether there is any cause for further inquiry.