HC Deb 01 December 1902 vol 115 cc855-6
MR. STUART WORTLEY () Sheffield, Hallam

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether he can give the House, verbally or otherwise, the information sought in the Return, Business of the House (Time occupied in the giving of Oral Answers to Questions), appearing on this day's Notice Paper.


My right hon. friend must not take the information which I am about to give him as necessarily representing with absolute accuracy the statistics which he desires. But I understand that oral questions have been disposed of before half-past two on nineteen days; before a quarter to three on forty days; and before five minutes to three on thirteen days. Oral questions have remained undisposed of at five minutes to three on two occasions—on June 23rd and on October 20th. An interesting letter embodying some other statistics, if my right hon. friend cares to refer to it, will be found in The Times of September 5th, over signature "George Walpole."† † Among the Appendices to the final volume of the present session, will be found a Table shewing izn detail the working of the new Rule. [ED.]