HC Deb 30 April 1902 vol 107 c384

reported from the Committee on Group J of Private Bills, That the parties promoting the North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Bill had stated that the evidence of John H. Sanders, of Cedar House, Essex Road. Enfield, builder; J. Snelling, of No. 47, Hyde Lane, Edmonton, builder; and E. Thorold Garland, of No. 70, Grand Parade, Harringay, auctioneer, was essential to their case; and, it having been proved that their attendance could not be procured without the intervention of the House, he had been instructed to move that the said John H. Sanders, J. Snelling, and E. Thorold Garland do attend the said Committee tomorrow, at half-past Eleven of the Clock.

Ordered, That John H. Sanders, J. Snelling, and E. Thorold Garland do attend the Committee on Group J of Private Bills tomorrow, at half-past Eleven of the clock.

Report to lie upon the Table.